me Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers +232 79 556665

Am I qualified?

To be qualified for full membership you need to have completed a recognised engineering qualification, plus relevant work experience in the field. If you’re studying a recognised engineering course, you’re eligible to join as a student engineer.

Membership Levels

Whether you are starting your engineering career, or you have many years of experience, there is a membership level that suits you. These membership levels are Engineering Technician (EngTech), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Chartered Engineer (CEng)

What are the benefits of membership

  • It provides a unique identification of your qualifications
  • Gives you access to professional development that will boost your career
  • Provides networking and mentoring with other engineering professionals locally and internationally
  • Commands recognition and respect from other professionals in Sierra Leone, ECOWAS and worldwide
  • Ability to earn the title giving you the ability to work within the subregion. Recognized by WFEO, FAEO, and WAFEO.


NLe50per year

  • Studying Engineering


NLe1,000per year

  • Graduate in Engineering
  • Mininum of 5 years of practice
  • Professional development (CPD)


NLe300per year

  • Graduate in Engineering